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Feature Resto U

auguimann requested to merge Jimouli/FlOpEDT:feature-resto-u-merged into vue-vite


Merge request checklist

Please check if your Merge Request (MR) fulfills the following requirements:

  • We added our names in the file
  • We added some insights in the file
  • New needed python modules have been added to requirements.txt, if any
  • Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
  • Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features). The wiki page of FlOpEDT may be merge requested as in
  • No additional printing (neither in django (print) or in javascript (console.log))

New dependencies

Have new dependencies been added?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, which dependencies?


If new dependencies have been added, their licenses is avec une inclusion dans un logiciel sous AGPL.

  • Yes indeed.
  • I have looked, but I am not sure. Licensing is such a pain.
  • No, but alternatives exist.

If no, which alternative(s) ?

Merge request type

Please check the type of change your MR introduces:

  • Bugfix
  • Feature
  • Code style update (formatting, renaming)
  • Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
  • Build related changes
  • Documentation content changes
  • Other (please describe):

What is the current behavior?

Feature used to offer web views that were accessible from home page and "Contraintes" page.

The amount of students for each day was a "simple" sum.

What is the new behavior?

  • No more web view, data is stored in database (it will later be send, via mail)
  • We have the amount of student for 3 time periods around lunch (11:00AM, 12:00PM and 1:00PM )

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • Yes
  • No

Does this introduce a new migration in the database ?

  • Yes
  • No

Other information

Latests devs (on database) could not been fully validated, select should be working.

Make sure to :

  • Insert data
  • Update data
  • Remove data

As seen with PO, here are the next steps after this feature is implemented:

"As an Admin User, I want to customize the Restaurant settings for predictions so that it can meet my custom needs - "RestoU" "

Different admins may want to setup specific rules for mailing/reporting system, thus it needs its own web view.
Settings that need to be changeable :

* How often does mailing/reporting happens

* How far (for how much weeks) will it predict in advance


Create periodic mailing
(no description)

Create web view to allow customization of RestoU
(no description)

Create Admin document as "tutorial" (Doc Flop!Editor)

Each module/web view that is aimed at admin users are link to tutorials/documentation to help those users setup the settings that match their usage of the application
This story being a new web view for admins, it need its corresponding “tutorial”/documentation

Edited by auguimann

Merge request reports