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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • critical
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues and merge requests which must be addressed as soon as possible
  • Other labels

  • area: backend
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues and merge requests targeting the backend
  • area: documentation
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issue and merge requests related to the project's documentation
  • area: frontend
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues and merge requests targeting the frontend
  • area: packaging
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues and merge requests related to the packaging of the project
  • area: security
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issue and merge requests related to security matters
  • confirmed
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
  • IUT Blagnac / FLOPApp
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues and merge requests coming from courses @ IUT Blagnac. Most likely coming from students.
  • kind: bug
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Defects in the software; something isn't working right
  • kind: discussion
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Issues aiming at gathering feedback and insight on a given matter
  • kind: enhancement
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Improvement of an existing feature or internals
  • kind: suggestion
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Feature request or insight on possible improvement of the project
  • kind: support
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Support requests
  • status: doing
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Work is ongoing on this issue
  • status: todo
    flop!EDT / flopEDT - flopScheduler
    Work on this issue is planned, but hasn't started