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Json template for simulation

Brullé requested to merge Json_template_for_Simulation into master

Providing a set of different JSON for launching simulations ( 1 Fiber population, 2 Fiber populations, 3 Fiber populations, 1 Fiber + 1 Astro populations and 2 Fiber + 1 Astro + 1 Oligo populations ). The JSON files are completed by the result of a simulation ( .raw file ) the meta data ( .minf ) and the terminal output during the process.

After trying the different populations simulations few issues must be remembered :

  • Astrocytes ans oligodendrocytes somas are distributed with the same coordinates ( it must be link to an error of ramdom seed reset)
  • Does the process of the glials cell count in the population fraction volume ?
  • The beading doesnt work
  • The myelin sheath works weirdly, it make appears huge somas at the top and bottom of the fibers ( maybe a simple Json calibration issue ).

All these issues might be fixed trough a future incoming merge request.

Merge request reports
