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Version 1.0.0

- The version given by `--version` can now be set from `git describe`.
  For build convenience's sake, a `Makefile` is provided at the
  repository's root.

- Most features are now tested and seem to work.
  All code is covered (maybe not fully on the CI yet).
- All calls to `log.Fatal` or `os.Exit` have been removed.
  The following functions now also return an error:
  - `FromYaml`, `IsBatsimOrBatschedRunning`, `PrepareDirs`, `ToYaml`
- robintest now consider that robin's execution context was clean during
  execution unless it encounters a log line stating the opposite.
  Previously, robintest expected the execution context to be busy by default
  (unless encountering a log line stating the opposite).

- Setgpid was not set on some user-given commands (batsim command when batsim
  was launched without scheduler, and the check script).
  This resulted in Kill not working as expected (only the subprocess was
  killed, not the subprocess and all its children).