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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.9
    00e4be84 · Preparing for 0.9 ·
  • v0.7
    b9f06ad4 · Closes #52 ·
    Feature extensions
  • v0.6b
    Bug-fixing release
  • v0.6a
    32397999 · working on bugs in cloze ·
    * XeLaTeX is now recommended when using UTF8-encoded sources (support of accents).
    * Feedbacks are now displayed in the PDF file produced.
    * The `optipng` utility is used (and required) to reduce the size of images embedded in the XML file.
    * Question options and settings are now displayed in the PDF file.
    * Supporting more LaTeX macros for symbols and accents (mostly diacritical marks and ligatures).
    * Introduce shuffle options in cloze-multi subquestions.
    * Package option final.
    * In draft mode, TikZ externalization in no longer triggered.
    * In the different question types, the feedback fields are now converted for HTML allowing LaTeX equation and images.
    * Documentation improvements (limitations and previously undocumented features).
  • v0.5
    c8c3c16e · initial commit ·
    initial release (Anders O. F. Hendrickson)
  • v0.8
    Bug fixes, documentation improvements, feature additions.