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Support live streams

Thomas requested to merge support-live-stream into main

Now the type of a video is defined when trying to play a video so that live streams (.m3u8) are directly played by Kodi (no download required).

We are able to know if a video is live from the response of the "list" REST API but it was decided to ignore this information in order to have a single action to play video (whether it is live or not).
The goal was to keep the API of the add-on as simple as possible so that externel users only have to call the add-on's API with the ID of a video, without having to add the type of the video.
The information about the type of the video will anyway be available in the response used to get the URL of a video so this solution does not impact the performance.

Relates to #12 (closed)

Edited by Thomas

Merge request reports