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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 3.2.0
    * **cli:** allow the mobilizon.users.delete command to delete multiple users by email domain or ip ([bc50ab6](
    * **export:** add date of participant creation in participant exports ([fef60ed](, closes [#1343](
    * **notifications:** add missing notifications when an user registers to an event ([da532c7](, closes [#1344](
    * **reports:** allow reports to hold multiple events ([f2ac3e2](
    * **reports:** allow to suspend a profile or a user account directly from the report view ([69588db](
    * **reports:** improve reportview and allow removing content + resolve report automatically ([b105c50](
    * **reports:** show suspended status next to reported profile ([b9a165a](
    * Add option to link an external registration provider for events ([2de6937](
    * **back:** add admin setting to disable external event feature ([f6611e8](
    * improve group creation view [3f601748](
    * **auth:** pre-initialize registration fields with information from 3rd-party provider ([7e49345](, closes [#1105](
    * add inets and ssl to extra_applications in test env ([af46bea](
    * **apps:** add missing app scopes ([7e98097](
    * **apps:** make sure we can set status for an application token ([1a6095d](
    * **backend:** fix config cache not being used everytime ([ed3cd58](
    * **backend:** handle email not being sent when resending registration instructions ([b2492a3](
    * create event time/date allignment ([3de90a3](
    * **docker:** fix Qemu segfaulting on arm64 ([8e3f90f](, closes [#1241]( [#1249](
    * **federation:** fix getting pictures from Gruppe actors ([7c5f8b2](
    * fix Elixir 1.15 depreciations ([da70427](
    * fix some typescript issues with pwa ([e351d3c](
    * **front:** avoid crashing if we don't have configuration data in time when in guard ([7916261](
    * **front:** fix alignment of some input elements on event edition form ([50695fc](
    * **front:** fix changing language not being saved to the user's settings ([010a5e4](
    * **front:** fix comment not showing up when replying in a discussion ([cc8f02d](
    * **front:** fix confirm anonymous participation ([f99267c](
    * **front:** fix discussion edition panel always showing up ([fee0e38](
    * **front:** fix display of participants list ([c6b83c4](
    * **front:** fix map ([8f84ba1](, closes [#1314](
    * **front:** fix missing type causing eslint error ([c76dba3](
    * **front:** fix selecting all participants in participant view ([beef3ff](
    * **front:** fix showing error message when app to approve doesn't exist ([12cbff1](
    * **front:** fix some alignment of some UI elements in mobile event view ([8c313b5](
    * **front:** properly handle error when approving app ([086d208](
    * **front:** properly handle post not found ([8db31c9](
    * **front:** reduce horizontal padding on main element ([f3c218f](
    * **lint:** fix lint after upgrades ([60aceb4](
    * **mail:** fix sending mail on OTP26 ([f54fff5](, closes [#1341](
    * **push:** fix push subscriptions registration ([fdf87ea](
    * **pwa:** improvements to the PWA configuration ([04c5ac1](
    * **reports:** make front-end handle nullified reported_id and reported_id ([afd2ffe](
    * **reports:** remove on delete cascade for reports ([4f530ca](
    * **front:** fix behavior of local toggle for profiles & groups view depending on domain value ([84f62cd](
    * **i18n:** add missing translations ([af670f3](
    * **back:** allow any other type of actor to be suspended ([92b222b](
    * **back:** only try to insert activities for groups ([cfc9843](
    * **front:** don't return promise if result is not finished loading for tags ([8c14ba4](
    * **front:** fix getting result from interactable object in InteractView ([31b2d06](
    * **docker:** make Docker entrypoint port configurable via $MOBILIZON_DATABASE_PORT ([13099e0](
    * **front:** fix fetching and rendering profile mentions and fetching tags ([895378a](
    * **sitemap:** save generated sitemaps in configurable directory ([f28109a](, closes [#1321](
    * **auth:** small front fixes in 3rd-party auth provider callback ([bde7206](
    * **config:** rollback Mailer tls setting to :never by default ([3d63c12](
    * **docker:** fix entrypoint PostgreSQL extensions creations not using MOBILIZON_DATABASE_PORT ([9b49918](, closes [#1321]( [#1321](
    * **front:** fixes in EditIdentity view ([7e13e2b](
  • 3.2.0-beta.5
    * **docker:** make Docker entrypoint port configurable via $MOBILIZON_DATABASE_PORT ([13099e0](
    * **front:** fix fetching and rendering profile mentions and fetching tags ([895378a](
    * **sitemap:** save generated sitemaps in configurable directory ([f28109a](, closes [#1321](
  • 3.2.0-beta.4
    * **back:** allow any other type of actor to be suspended ([92b222b](
    * **back:** only try to insert activities for groups ([cfc9843](
    * **front:** don't return promise if result is not finished loading for tags ([8c14ba4](
    * **front:** fix getting result from interactable object in InteractView ([31b2d06](
  • 3.2.0-beta.3
    * **i18n:** add missing translations ([af670f3](
    * Add option to link an external registration provider for events ([2de6937](
    * **back:** add admin setting to disable external event feature ([f6611e8](
    * improve group creation view [3f601748](
  • 3.2.0-beta.2
    Fixes a CI issue that prevented 3.2.0-beta.2 being released.
    * **front:** fix behavior of local toggle for profiles & groups view depending on domain value ([84f62cd](
  • 3.2.0-beta.1
    * **cli:** allow the mobilizon.users.delete command to delete multiple users by email domain or ip ([bc50ab6](
    * **export:** add date of participant creation in participant exports ([fef60ed](, closes [#1343](
    * **notifications:** add missing notifications when an user registers to an event ([da532c7](, closes [#1344](
    * **reports:** allow reports to hold multiple events ([f2ac3e2](
    * **reports:** allow to suspend a profile or a user account directly from the report view ([69588db](
    * **reports:** improve reportview and allow removing content + resolve report automatically ([b105c50](
    * **reports:** show suspended status next to reported profile ([b9a165a](
    * add inets and ssl to extra_applications in test env ([af46bea](
    * **apps:** add missing app scopes ([7e98097](
    * **apps:** make sure we can set status for an application token ([1a6095d](
    * **backend:** fix config cache not being used everytime ([ed3cd58](
    * **backend:** handle email not being sent when resending registration instructions ([b2492a3](
    * create event time/date allignment ([3de90a3](
    * **docker:** fix Qemu segfaulting on arm64 ([8e3f90f](, closes [#1241]( [#1249](
    * **federation:** fix getting pictures from Gruppe actors ([7c5f8b2](
    * fix Elixir 1.15 depreciations ([da70427](
    * fix some typescript issues with pwa ([e351d3c](
    * **front:** avoid crashing if we don't have configuration data in time when in guard ([7916261](
    * **front:** fix alignment of some input elements on event edition form ([50695fc](
    * **front:** fix changing language not being saved to the user's settings ([010a5e4](
    * **front:** fix comment not showing up when replying in a discussion ([cc8f02d](
    * **front:** fix confirm anonymous participation ([f99267c](
    * **front:** fix discussion edition panel always showing up ([fee0e38](
    * **front:** fix display of participants list ([c6b83c4](
    * **front:** fix map ([8f84ba1](, closes [#1314](
    * **front:** fix missing type causing eslint error ([c76dba3](
    * **front:** fix selecting all participants in participant view ([beef3ff](
    * **front:** fix showing error message when app to approve doesn't exist ([12cbff1](
    * **front:** fix some alignment of some UI elements in mobile event view ([8c313b5](
    * **front:** properly handle error when approving app ([086d208](
    * **front:** properly handle post not found ([8db31c9](
    * **front:** reduce horizontal padding on main element ([f3c218f](
    * **lint:** fix lint after upgrades ([60aceb4](
    * **mail:** fix sending mail on OTP26 ([f54fff5](, closes [#1341](
    * **push:** fix push subscriptions registration ([fdf87ea](
    * **pwa:** improvements to the PWA configuration ([04c5ac1](
    * **reports:** make front-end handle nullified reported_id and reported_id ([afd2ffe](
    * **reports:** remove on delete cascade for reports ([4f530ca](
  • 3.1.3
    * **groups:** fix unauthenticated access to groups because of missing read:group:members permission ([3714925](, closes [#1311](
  • 3.1.2
    * **activity settings:** fix saving activity settings ([6c1e1e9](, closes [#1251](
    * **apps:** fix pruning old application device activations ([dd00620](
    * **backend:** filter out nil tags before starting looking for existing ones ([f04d2b9](
    * **deps:** fix compatibility with elixir-plug/mime 2.0.5 ([d63999c](
    * **discussions:** handle changeset errors when updating discussion ([ca06ec3](
    * **exports:** properly handle export format not being handled ([a76b1ca](
    * **federation:** allow federated usernames with capitals ([d502164](
    * **federation:** handle fetch_actor with a map ([552ab4c](
    * **federation:** handle string values for tags when constructing mentions ([2729d5e](
    * **federation:** ignore mentions from everything that's not a AP Person ([56f341e](
    * **federation:** only refresh instances once a day ([6745590](
    * **federation:** prevent fetching own relay actor ([b981f91](
    * **federation:** restrict fetch_group first arg to binaries ([e8d34b4](
    * **federation:** rotate relay keys on startup if missing private keys ([5381eaa](
    * **front:** add missing title to Participants View page ([a5a86a5](
    * **front:** fix displaying user activity settings checkboxes ([8e21c30](, closes [#1251](
    * **front:** fix wrong key name for dialog.confirm() option ([c8f49e1](
    * **front:** fix wrong value for timezone when it has no prefix ([2dd0e13](, closes [#1275](
    * **group:** fix getting group members count ([f749518](, closes [#1303](
    * **participant exports:** fix participants by returning the export type as well as the file path ([49b04c9](
    * **participant:** handle re-confirming participation ([5cc5c99](
    * **graphql:** validate timezone id as a GraphQL Scalar ([845bb6a](, closes [#1299](
  • 3.1.1
    * **anti-spam:** allow to only scan for spam in profiles or events ([c971287](
    * **front:** fix group settings getting unresponsive because of reactive bug ([f1e119c](, closes [#1298](
    * **search:** fix global search sorting ([39e24c3](, closes [#1297](
  • 3.1.0
    * **API:** Allow to create apps, with permissions and both Authorization Code Flow and Device Flow
    * **addresses:** Allow to enter manual addresses ([85d643d](
    * **docker:** Specify the folder where tzdata downloads data so that it can be used in a volume ([4bb0625](, closes [#1280](
    * **spam:** Introduce checking new accounts, events & comments for spam with the help of Akismet ([317a343](
    * **rate-limiting:** Introduce rate-limiting on some endpoints ([c07ba3a5](
    * **front:** improve padding on event tags ([7fa452d](
    * **front:** make admin profile view linkable directly with parameters ([08ce7e2](
    * **front:** make profile members link to profile on group admin view and the reverse ([96129d2](
    * **front:** make profiles and group admin views default to local ([3e0324d](
    * **front:** redirect user to homepage on disconnect when currently on private page ([d5a6df9](, closes [#1278](
    * **front:** show skeleton content on event view until the event is loaded ([dc3b93f](
    * **i18n:** activate croatian language ([94182ae](
    * **i18n:** activate japanese language ([6bd8034](, closes [#1293](
    * **post:** show post visibily in PostListItem component ([ec7ca4d](
    * **global-search:** Add option values in debug log before calling global search service ([8141bb0](
    * **apps:** Fix cleaning application data background job ([aa20f69](
    * **apps:** Show message when the user doesn't have approved apps yet ([e0ee9c1](
    * **auth:** Handle logging-in with disabled auth provider ([a22a5e3](
    * **backend:** Fix Mobilizon.Events.list_participations_for_user_query/1 ([bcf6fd8](
    * **backend:** Handle CLDR data having no standard property for a language ([dbe2da7](
    * **backend:** Ignore group mentions for now ([b5f106b](
    * **back:** Improve error message when requesting reset passwords and new instructions ([1c1d0d4](
    * **back:** Replace NaiveDateTime uses with DateTime for consistency ([8ea00e7](
    * **back:** Various small fixes in backend ([2a57340](
    * bind pagination current prop ([4bcf572](
    * **federation:** Account suspension should use actor in question as author and not relay actor ([79b48da](
    * **feeds:** Only provide future events in ICS/Atom feeds ([f3a4431](, closes [#1246](
    * Fix type of variable in navbar ([50ab531](
    * **follow-instances:** Show correct error message when trying to follow already following actor ([d969c66](
    * **front:** Fix about sections titles ([487f406](
    * **front:** Fix autocomplete attribute in o-inputitems after Oruga new version BC ([d2ba732](
    * **front:** Fix behaviour when deleting an event from event list ([cfd10ea](
    * **front:** Fix event list month order ([63c9ed6](, closes [#1244](
    * **front:** Fix instances list pagination ([8543204](, closes [#1277](
    * **front:** Fix pagination display on dark mode ([4375438](
    * **front:** Fix style of My Events participations ([35b07dc](
    * **front:** Focus report comment input in report modal ([2c28312](, closes [#1236](
    * **front:** Handle "Failed to fetch dynamically imported module" errors by refreshing the page ([3d21a06](
    * **front:** Improve Delete account modal UI ([c420bbc](
    * **front:** Improve resend inscription instructions view and show error when appropriate ([5563052](
    * **front:** No cache-only for config ([8dcb76c](
    * **front:** Small UI fixes on identity pickers ([6faafd6](
    * **i18n:** Update translations ([3b7dbcd](
    * **map:** Fix style of the map marker ([c7b90cd](
    * **map:** Only show map details when needed ([23b5e59](
    * **map:** Only show marker if we have it's position ([f0cc5ff](
    * **password-reset:** Lower time before being available to reset password or resend instructions ([73eb460](
    * **search:** Fix event search order ([a4e7ee3](
    * **typespec:** Fix missing return type in typespec ([2043c98](
    * Change the way preferredUsername is synced ([a73e5a08](
    * datetimepicker: change colors for day & time selectors on dark mode ([b18e8fd3](
    * Save IP and login date from directly registered accounts ([1db5c4ae](
    * Make sure every cache is properly cleared when managing an event ([f531c39b](
    * Add page title for Categories view ([0775814e](
    * Fix notifications settings not working ([31fd99bd](
    * **discussionlistitem:** remove unecessary parameter in vue router target ([779812c](
    * **emails:** make sure group notification emails are only sent once per email ([927e95f](
    * **frontend:** event edition UI improvements ([0e14a36](
    * **frontend:** only show map on event edition when we have an address or we want to put in details ([02867e6](
    * **front:** fix showing current group avatar & banners ([20b4aaa](
    * **front:** fix showing current identity avatar & banners ([d0f4721](
    * **front:** improve UI of the glossary page ([d47b69d](
    * **front:** increase padding next to arrow down in `<select>` elements ([94f186c](
    * **front:** remove cache-only for ABOUT GraphQL details on homepage ([6858bcb](
    * **front:** remove leftover console.logs ([6da0dba](
    * **front:** reset page number to 1 when search criteria changes ([d73bafe](, closes [#1272](
    * **front:** various UI improvements for group page ([b097567](
    * **graphql:** fix calling GET_GROUP ([2933ee0](
    * **group:** rephrase "Public Page" to "Announcements", as all posts are not necessary public ([b0a564f](, closes [#900](
    * **i18n:** fix Swedish translations error that prevented Participate button from showing up ([643a5b5](, closes [#1281](
    * **rich media:** fix error handling when resource preview URL leads to empty parsed data ([850b4e2](, closes [#1279](
    * **sharepostmodal:** only show the share warning message if the post is accessible by link ([8e626dc](
    * **apps:** fix device flow authorization process ([9a457fb](
    * **apps:** fix typo in redirect_uri parameter ([5664625](
    * **apps:** show scope from device activation in authorize device view ([c9d2074](
    * **front:** fix homepage event and groups cards snapping ([8809db5](
    * **front:** fix selecting addresses in autocomplete ([e0488dd](
    * include user role in moderator role ([c4d6019](
  • 3.1.0-rc.2
    * **apps:** fix device flow authorization process ([9a457fb](
    * **apps:** fix typo in redirect_uri parameter ([5664625](
    * **apps:** show scope from device activation in authorize device view ([c9d2074](
    * **front:** fix homepage event and groups cards snapping ([8809db5](
    * **front:** fix selecting addresses in autocomplete ([e0488dd](
  • 3.1.0-rc.1
    * **discussionlistitem:** remove unecessary parameter in vue router target ([779812c](
    * **emails:** make sure group notification emails are only sent once per email ([927e95f](
    * **frontend:** event edition UI improvements ([0e14a36](
    * **frontend:** only show map on event edition when we have an address or we want to put in details ([02867e6](
    * **front:** fix showing current group avatar & banners ([20b4aaa](
    * **front:** fix showing current identity avatar & banners ([d0f4721](
    * **front:** improve UI of the glossary page ([d47b69d](
    * **front:** increase padding next to arrow down in `<select>` elements ([94f186c](
    * **front:** remove cache-only for ABOUT GraphQL details on homepage ([6858bcb](
    * **front:** remove leftover console.logs ([6da0dba](
    * **front:** reset page number to 1 when search criteria changes ([d73bafe](, closes [#1272](
    * **front:** various UI improvements for group page ([b097567](
    * **graphql:** fix calling GET_GROUP ([2933ee0](
    * **group:** rephrase "Public Page" to "Announcements", as all posts are not necessary public ([b0a564f](, closes [#900](
    * **i18n:** fix Swedish translations error that prevented Participate button from showing up ([643a5b5](, closes [#1281](
    * **rich media:** fix error handling when resource preview URL leads to empty parsed data ([850b4e2](, closes [#1279](
    * **sharepostmodal:** only show the share warning message if the post is accessible by link ([8e626dc](
    * **front:** improve padding on event tags ([7fa452d](
    * **front:** make admin profile view linkable directly with parameters ([08ce7e2](
    * **front:** make profile members link to profile on group admin view and the reverse ([96129d2](
    * **front:** make profiles and group admin views default to local ([3e0324d](
    * **front:** redirect user to homepage on disconnect when currently on private page ([d5a6df9](, closes [#1278](
    * **front:** show skeleton content on event view until the event is loaded ([dc3b93f](
    * **i18n:** activate croatian language ([94182ae](
    * **i18n:** activate japanese language ([6bd8034](, closes [#1293](
    * **post:** show post visibily in PostListItem component ([ec7ca4d](
  • 3.1.0-beta.2
    * include user role in moderator role ([c4d6019](
  • 3.0.4
    0837090e · Bump version to 3.0.4 ·
    - LDAP connector with Erlang 24.3+
    - Participant export configuration not being loaded
  • 3.0.3
    2f368b44 · Release 3.0.3 ·
    - Add missing OpenSSL 1.1 in Docker image
  • 3.0.2
    fae11535 · Release 3.0.2 ·
    - Fix unfollowing group
    - Limit the size of the IP(v6) field in the user admin view
    - Fix terms and privacy view
    - Use the correct value of current locale
    - Fix editing group events as a group moderator
    - Consider timezone for start time also when end date is hidden
    - Fix loading group members in organizer picker
    - Fix changing email & password
    - Add missing icon
    - Fix instances filter
    - Fix logging from 3rd-party auth provider
  • 3.0.1
    d2c78c5f · Release 3.0.1 ·
    - Compatibility with Python 3.11 for exports that reply on Python code.
    - Formatting of fallback locales
    - Allow to specify database port for Docker configuration
    - Assets in production environment
    - Changing event uuid didn't change event data
    - Make sure maximumAttendeeCapacity is a number, not a string
    - Prevent AP collection page number being < 1
    - Fix approving/rejecting group members and followers
    - Fix 3rd-party auth links
    - Test Intl.ListFormat availability and add fallback
    - Set correct Content-Type on all AP endpoints
    - Don't notify group members & followers from new draft event
    - Register missing ExitToApp icon
    - Fix comment display
  • 3.0.0
    ae18648c · Release 3.0.0 final ·
    - Add global search support, allowing to use as a centralized event and group database
    - Add ability to filter search by categories and language
    - Add ability to explore search results on a map view
    - Add dark theme support and setting to toggle light/dark mode
    - Add categories view
    - Allow to disable non-SSO login
    - Support CSP report_uri, report_to and the Report-To and Reporting-Endpoints headers
    - Support for Elixir 1.14 and Erlang OTP 25.
    - Homepage has been redesigned
    - Search view has been redesigned
    - Internal illustration pictures are now only served using WebP.
    - Improved the pertinence of related events
    - Light front-end performance improvements
    - Various UI and A11Y fixes on the event page
    - Handle categories page being empty
    - UI improvements of comments
    - UI improvements of reports
    - Various UI improvement in event and group view
    - Add breadcrumb trail on Post view
    - Always lowercase the emails before trying to reset password
    - Make text editor heading level start at h3, h4, h5
    - Remove obscure reference to Douglas Adams
    - Don't inline phoenix manifest
    - Show a proper error message when failure to register to an event
    - Order categories by translated label
    - Show registration button also if registration allow list is used
    - Add logging for when cached iCalendar feed data can't be found
    - Add an error log when we try to update the relay actor
    - Lower loglevel of error when creating a new person
    - Add unique constraint on event URL
    - Allow to view more than 10 drafts events on my events view
    - Add CSP Policy for pictures
    - Don't treat notification for a deleted event as an error
    - Truncate resource description preview after 350 characters
    - Lower loglevel of resource insertion error
    - Resources and discussions views improvements
    - Add context to error when removing an upload file following actor suspension
    - Allow for resource providers to register a csp policy
    - Add loading="lazy" to some images, except categories in viewport
    - Add GraphQL operation name, user ID and actor name in logs
    - Add empty alt attribute to uploaded pictures (for now)
    - Allow release build failures in CI for all non-amd64 architectures
    - Increase timeout needed to build page
    - Handle nothing found by unsplash for location
    - Fixed deleting actor when participations association is not preloaded
    - Fixed rendering JSON-LD for an event with a single address (no online location)
    - Address selector
    - Group location edition
    - Reconfigure plug at runtime with env
    - Fix global search term
    - Fix custom icons in metadata list
    - Handle unknown icon
    - Only preload svg pictures on homepage
    - Don't add empty search parameters to global search engine
    - Fix getting categories from global search engine
    - Remove unused deps
    - Only show one pagination bar when searching in both events & groups
    - Run build multiarch release on tags too
    - Don't start mobilizon server when running migrations
    - Run phx.digest before mix release
    - Fix event card background color behind picture
    - Fix position of the « no events found » message
    - Add distinct clause to search events
    - Fix showing past events on group page
    - Fix display of group invitations
    - Fix leaving a group
    - Fix group events order
    - Prevent loading group membership status before we get person information
    - Prefix setInterval with window
    - Fix fetching events with addresses that's not objects
    - Fix dashboard view
    - Fix anonymous & remote participation pages
    - Fix anonymous/remote participation button
    - Do not list drafts in upcoming / old events event if instance moderator
    - Make sure group is refreshed after action
    - Fix deleting person detached from user
    - Fix pagination number text color in dark theme
    - Fix post sharing URL
    - Fix current format status of text not displayed in text editor
    - Fix moving resources
    - Fix multiselect of resources
    - Properly handle un-needed background jobs
    - Properly handle replying to an event that has been deleted
    - Propertly handle other errors when receiving a comment
    - Fix event integrations
    - Prevent loading authorized groups when current actor isn't loading in OrganizerPickerWrapper
    - Fix building CSP policy
    - Fix event map view
    - Various front-end fixes
    - Handle error when fetching object from tombstone
    - Fixed upcoming event groups display on homepage view
    - Fixed Ecto Dev warning on compilation
    - Adapt white parts in Mobilizon logo to current color
    - Register missing BellOutline and BellOffOutline icons
    - Don't load group status when unlogged
    - Fix order of useHead registration on JoinGroupWithAccount view
    - Fix profile@instance translation
    - Handle :http_not_found as an error when deleting an object
    - Handle suspending actors with special type
    - Add fallback handler for can_send_activity?
    - Properly log if we can't notify group follower
    - Correctly escape user-defined names in emails
    - Build on Elixir 1.14.1 and Erlang OTP 25.
    - Migrate from Vue 2 and Vue Class Component to Vue 3 and the Composition API
    - Migrate from Bulma and Buefy to TailwindCSS and Oruga
    - Rewrote tests using Vitest
    - Renabled E2E tests
    - Rewrote tests from Cypress to Playwright
  • 3.0.0-rc.6
    - Fixed upcoming event groups display on homepage view
    - Fixed Ecto Dev warning on compilation
  • 3.0.0-rc.5
    1a6967cb · Release 3.0.0-rc.5 ·
    - Allow release build failures in CI for all non-amd64 architectures