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2.23.0 feature release

Deprecation notices:

* Game scripts targeting ./ ≥ 2.23 can no longer use the legacy compression values, see "Compression methods rework" in the 2.22.0 section for more details.
* Trying to expand an unset variable triggers an error, for game scripts targeting ./ ≥ 2.23.
* APP_WINE_LINK_DIRS is deprecated, setting it from a game script targeting ./ ≥ 2.23 triggers a warning. For games scripts targeting ./ ≥ 2.24, it will by ignored silently. See "Improved support for WINE games" below for more details.
* PKG_xxx_PROVIDE is deprecated, setting it from a game script targeting ./ ≥ 2.23 triggers a warning. For games scripts targeting ./ ≥ 2.24, it will by ignored silently. See "Packages metadata improvements" below for more details.

Dependencies handling improvements:

* The generation of a launcher for the following application types automatically adds the required dependency to the current package:
  - dosbox
  - java
  - mono
  - renpy
  - residualvm
  - scummvm
  - wine
* Dependencies on media formats decoded by GStreamer can be listed using a new variable: PKG_xxx_DEPENDENCIES_GSTREAMER_PLUGINS.
  The following formats are supported:
  - avidemux
  - decodebin
  - deinterlace
  - audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int)1
  - video/quicktime, variant=(string)iso
  - video/x-ms-asf
  - video/x-msvideo
  - video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int)1

Application type improvements:

* The application type can be guessed from the game binary even if it is not in the current package.

Packages generation improvements:

* A package can now provide/conflict with multiple package names, using a new variable PKG_xxx_PROVIDES
  One provided name should be written on each line, using line breaks as the list separator.
* If all packages are already built, the execution stops early to avoid unnecessary resources and time usage.
* Debian: Automatically use old .deb format (0.939000) to avoid size limits.

Improved support for Unity3D games:

* Shipped plugins for Unity3D games can now be listed using a new dedicated variable: UNITY3D_PLUGINS.
  If it is set to a non-empty value, it is used during the call to "content_inclusion_default" to include the listed
 plugins into the path dedicated to shipped libraries. Plugins that are not listed are removed to ensure they are not in
cluded later by some "CONTENT_xxx_FILES" greedy pattern.

Improved support for WINE games:

* A new variable is used to list the paths that should be diverted from the WINE prefix: WINE_PERSISTENT_DIRECTORIES
  Its value is a list of paths relative to $WINEPREFIX/drive_c, one per line.

Improved handling of huge files (>9GB):

* Files that are bigger than 9GB should be listed using a dedicated variable: HUGE_FILES_xxx
  "xxx" is the suffix of the package that includes these files by default, so a list for PKG_DATA would be named HUG
* The files split is done only when building .deb packages, as Arch Linux and Gentoo packages have no size limit.

Improved support for Makeself and MojoSetup archives:

* The type declaration can be omitted for MojoSetup archives.
* Support is added for Makeself archives.