Feature idea: swipe to delete / "quick delete" in drafts, scheduled, and faves
Created by: deutrino
Any thoughts on allowing users to delete drafts and scheduled toots, and un-fave favorites, by swiping them away?
I appreciate the big confirm dialog with the full text of drafts / scheduled toots I chose to delete... but just in pure UI smoothness terms, I would prefer the drafts, scheduled toots, and even faves to work like so:
- tap to view/edit (drafts, scheduled) or expand/boost (faves)
- swipe to delete
- instead of a confirm delete, a floating undo in the corner of the screen for 2 seconds?
Less having to visually acquire and tap a new target. Swipes are less fine a movement of the fingers and easier.
The reasons I like this idea:
- autosave builds up a lot of drafts over time!
- I curate on one of my alts and I have tons of faves to manage
- this UI could also be duplicated for the queue idea mentioned in # 9
Potential problems:
- I sometimes unfave and then fave posts again when curating to reorder my faves, this could be negatively impacted if the floating undo is implemented as a 2 second delay before making the api call rather than a "real" undo