saugns v0.4.8. Add long-form value range modulation syntax. Modulation with value range. Add a new variation on the syntax with greater flexibility, for both `a` (amplitude) and `f`/`r` (frequency) parameters. Below `X` and `Y` denote optionally included range endpoint values, while `A` and `B` are the newly introduced modulator lists whose outputs are added for the endpoints only. The `C` and `D` modulator lists work as before. The old syntaxes remain as short forms unchanged: - `X[A]..Y[B].r[C].a[D]` - `X[D].rY[C]` - `X[D]` The use of the '..' changes the meaning of the first modulator list prior if included, so that it plays the part of `A` rather than of `D`. (If no `C` list is used for the generator the results of `A` and `D` modulators are identical, but the lists are built and cleared separately.)