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🔖 v1.0.0 (29/04/2021)

First initial release of MkDocs Template

- ✨ Add bunch of features:
    - `` script to automatically install template,
    - `template` folder holding basic template files, script
      `docs/_data/` to dynamically setup `mkdocs.yml` configuration
      and schema and template for files read by the script
- 🔧 Add bunch of configuration files:
    - Syntax and workflow configuration files such as `.editorconfig`,
      `.yamllint`, `pyproject.toml`
- 👷 Add CI which test the scripts (bash and python), build the
  documentation and deploy it
- 📝🍱 Add the documentation describing the usage of the template with needed
- 📄 Add licenses, MIT and Beer-Ware.