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Application web permettant le téléchargement et l'installation silencieuse de plusieurs applications libres en une seule fois. (Uniquement pour Windows).
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Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/schabanel-randomness
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Source code for the paper "Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple servers per client" (Euro-Par 2014)
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Source code for the paper "Energy aware scheduling under reliability and makespan constraints" (HiPC'12). The code is not well commented, I do not have time right now, but feel free to contact me for any questions.
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EasyBashGUI is a Bash functions library for *BSD and GNU/Linux that aims to give simple GUI functions using yad, gtkdialog, kdialog, zenity, Xdialog, (c)dialog, whiptail or bash builtins depending on KDE or GNOME running or not, Yad/Gtkdialog/Xdialog installed or not and, eventually, X server running or not.
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Implentation of some computational results in language and automata theory
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