Explore projects
Tutorial and project template for the users wanting to experiment with Mc SimGrid.
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Framework for the simulation of distributed applications (Clouds, HPC, Grids, IoT and others)
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Scriptable AUdio GeNeration System. SAU parser, player, and WAV file writer.
This repository is generally used like a mirror, but work can also be done here first.
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The not-offical read-only ipfs go implementation mirror
repo: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo site: https://ipfs.tech
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The not-offical read-only flyctl mirror
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The not-offical read-only cargo-make mirror
github: https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make site: https://sagiegurari.github.io/cargo-make/
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dépôt miroir pour TinyWeatherForecastGermany une application android météo open source du Pawel Dube (@Starfish). Base des donnés: DWD. This is just a mirror for the main repository.
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a shared agenda for local communities (with activitypub support)
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Files needed for the SMPI tutorial: https://simgrid.frama.io/simgrid/Tutorial_MPI_Applications.html
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My notes about books and ideas I got along the days. (mainly in French)