Episode 32: The Battlefield
Hi! I hope everyone is fine after the first month of 2020, here I finally could produce a full scenario for episode 32, code named "The Battlefield":
→ File: https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/webcomics/blob/master/new-ep32_The-Battlefield/ep32_battlefield_script.md
→ Rendering: https://www.peppercarrot.com/static6/sources&page=XYZ
For the general theme, it's a new arc about Pepper trying to get new a professional career with her new diploma. This episode is about getting the right appearance for a work position and how other evaluate our skill and experience based on our appearance.
For the process, I wanted to simplify the creation of new episodes. That's why I posted a detailed scenario in English. I'm of course still not good enough to write well in English and I don't have good dialog but I want to try it again and ask for your help. Also, solving dialog at the root of the process sounds like the right thing to do. This also feels very adapted to the flexibility of working on text with Git. I adopted a new format to write my comic scenarios, simplified and compatible with markdown:
A new paragraph is equal a new panel.
The speech-bubbles are tabbed and names of characters capitalized to ease re-reading only the dialog.
Three "- - -" indicates a page cut.
So here is a TODO if you want to contribute:
Read the scenario and post general feedback about the story. -
Fix English mistakes and rewrite weird sentences. -
Improves dialog because I could convey the general meaning and ideas for the mechanic of the story to work but not plenty of subtle things as I would do in French including a military tone, a more direct and vulgar way to speak for the uneducated Barbarian King, something opposite for his educated Officer, more life in the words of angry Pepper, authority in the voice of Pepper in disguise...etc...
(PS: Ping @craigmaloney , @Nartance , @valvin , @martindisch , @ArloJamesBarnes and other who want to participate into episode 32 preproduction are welcome)