Episode 33: Spell of War (Beta: "translation ready")
Here is the second and last part of the battlefield arc (Episode 32 was the first part). I also wrote its skeleton in January and it was easy to flesh out the mecanic this week right after the release of episode 32.
→ File: https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/webcomics/-/blob/master/new-ep33_Spell-of-War/ep33_script.md
→ XYZ rendering: https://www.peppercarrot.com/static6/sources&page=XYZ
Usual Todo stuff: Feedback, compensate my low skill in English, improve dialogs and other enhancements appearing as low-hanging fruits.
I'm keeping roughly the 3x3 grid formula for the layout and it expanded to 8 pages this time:
Ping team preproduction: @craigmaloney , @Nartance , @valvin , @martindisch , @ArloJamesBarnes, @parnikkapore, @Alkarex, @singpolyma or any other who want to participate into episode 33 preproduction. Thank you for reading!