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  • David Revoy's avatar
    New vertical metric for Lavi family to avoid font clipping in Inkscape. · 2fb009b5
    David Revoy authored
    Newer Inkscape are more strict with clipping of the ascent and descent
    and as far I tested changed their priority reading the metrics.
    It looks like there is 4 major ways to setup this and Fontforge expose all
    of them:
    - The General Ascent Descent ( 1638 ,  410 => 2048em )
    - The Win Ascent/Descent (2220, 630 )
    - The Typo Ascent/Descent (2220, -630) Need to be negative value for... reasons.
    - The HHead Ascent/Descent (2220, -630) idem
    All of this have the same functions but used to be standards made by proprietary
    operating systems and reinventing the wheel each time, "but this time it's
    home made".
    This fix boosted the Ascent and Descent on all values until Inkscape had satisfying
    result. It might change the aspect of Lavi on documents without a defined linespacing.
    This one being probably auto-guessed by the software depending on one of those
    metrics; but it fixes the Inkscape issue with clipped leg of y, with missing Danish
    and Es...