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* **cli:** allow the mobilizon.users.delete command to delete multiple users by email domain or ip ([bc50ab6](
* **export:** add date of participant creation in participant exports ([fef60ed](, closes [#1343](
* **notifications:** add missing notifications when an user registers to an event ([da532c7](, closes [#1344](
* **reports:** allow reports to hold multiple events ([f2ac3e2](
* **reports:** allow to suspend a profile or a user account directly from the report view ([69588db](
* **reports:** improve reportview and allow removing content + resolve report automatically ([b105c50](
* **reports:** show suspended status next to reported profile ([b9a165a](

* add inets and ssl to extra_applications in test env ([af46bea](
* **apps:** add missing app scopes ([7e98097](
* **apps:** make sure we can set status for an application token ([1a6095d](
* **backend:** fix config cache not being used everytime ([ed3cd58](
* **backend:** handle email not being sent when resending registration instructions ([b2492a3](
* create event time/date allignment ([3de90a3](
* **docker:** fix Qemu segfaulting on arm64 ([8e3f90f](, closes [#1241]( [#1249](
* **federation:** fix getting pictures from Gruppe actors ([7c5f8b2](
* fix Elixir 1.15 depreciations ([da70427](
* fix some typescript issues with pwa ([e351d3c](
* **front:** avoid crashing if we don't have configuration data in time when in guard ([7916261](
* **front:** fix alignment of some input elements on event edition form ([50695fc](
* **front:** fix changing language not being saved to the user's settings ([010a5e4](
* **front:** fix comment not showing up when replying in a discussion ([cc8f02d](
* **front:** fix confirm anonymous participation ([f99267c](
* **front:** fix discussion edition panel always showing up ([fee0e38](
* **front:** fix display of participants list ([c6b83c4](
* **front:** fix map ([8f84ba1](, closes [#1314](
* **front:** fix missing type causing eslint error ([c76dba3](
* **front:** fix selecting all participants in participant view ([beef3ff](
* **front:** fix showing error message when app to approve doesn't exist ([12cbff1](
* **front:** fix some alignment of some UI elements in mobile event view ([8c313b5](
* **front:** properly handle error when approving app ([086d208](
* **front:** properly handle post not found ([8db31c9](
* **front:** reduce horizontal padding on main element ([f3c218f](
* **lint:** fix lint after upgrades ([60aceb4](
* **mail:** fix sending mail on OTP26 ([f54fff5](, closes [#1341](
* **push:** fix push subscriptions registration ([fdf87ea](
* **pwa:** improvements to the PWA configuration ([04c5ac1](
* **reports:** make front-end handle nullified reported_id and reported_id ([afd2ffe](
* **reports:** remove on delete cascade for reports ([4f530ca](