Packaged in improvements
Implement nicer naming for distributions -
Add labels for packaging status on overview pages (e.g., -
Write copy to explain distributions/limitations -
Arch Linux ARM -
postmarketOS -
Debian/Mobian - TODO: Mention Droidian -
Devuan -
OpenSUSE, – seems like there is no overview page for the various ports of OpenSUSE to phones? -
Fedora Mobility link -
Flathub (how to enable, maybe management (storage things – or better link some other article?) -
Snapcraft (limitations: only works on select distributions, security only on Ubuntu)
Script: It seems to add a new line after frontmatter, check and solve before merging:Later, let's merge this now -
Games: run script -
Apps: run script again -
Blog post
Edited by Peter Mack