Games list: Adjust formatting / data fields to app listings, move into Apps section
1. Add missing lines (mostly empty) to have one kind of listing (content), bring theming in line with apps list -
2. add secondary category according to spec below (needs help, @1peter10 is not enough of a gamer),
The following should only be done once we find a fix or workaround for #73 (closed)
3. add alias to current path to every listing (content), -
4. add current URL to extra.feed_entry_id = "url" -
5. merge it into app list to make maintenance (theme...) easier (content), -
6. redirect Games button to categories/games can(theming), -
7. add notice on every page on the games category that we're looking for a Games category maintainer (theming),
Spec for categorization:
Edited by Peter Mack