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  - new plugin system - fix #177
    - new "publish on telegram" plugin: (thanks @fadelkon)
  - people can now choose the language displayed - fix #171
  - admin could choose a custom fallback image - fix #195
  - it is now possible NOT to enter the end time of an event - fix #188
  - live search
  - improve event import
  - add Apple touch icon - fix #200
  - add nominatim / openstreetmap search feature (thanks @sedum)
  - new hide calendar option
  - new hide thumbs from homepage option
  - linkable admin tab
  - friendly instances label is now customizable (thanks @sedum)
  - i18n refactoring
  - Wordpress plugin now supports MU installation
  - new chinese translation
  - new portuguese translation
  - improved navbar layout
  - improved event layout
  - complete oauth2 refactoring
  - fix ics unique uuid
  - fix place "[Object]" issue - #194
  - fix random restart while downloading random media
  - fix mobile dialog layout
  - urlencode place and tag urls