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  • Andrew Danger Lyon's avatar
    rewrite begins. · 3a2076df
    Andrew Danger Lyon authored
    yes, it's almost always stupid to do a rewrite, but the app has changed
    so much over the years (web app -> FF ext -> FF & chrome ext -> desktop
    app -> mobile) that it has acquired enough debt and bad decisions and
    cemented data models and terrible UI choices that a fresh start (using
    as much as the old code as possible) is starting to make more sense.
    i'm finding it's taking more time to update the old code than just
    rewrite massive parts of it.
    here's a list of things that a rewrite will provide:
    - turtl will be available offline and only syncs data if a server
      connection exists
    - each client will have a unique ID, and this ID will be included in
      each ID of each piece of data this client creates. this allows us to
      create unique IDs locally without the need for server approval, which
      simplifies a lot of syncing logic
    - all crypto is async and run in web worker pool
    - all crypto happens using explicit (de)serialize functions instead of
      composer's toJSON, which will save a lot o...