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  • kontrollanten's avatar
    Resumable video uploads (#3933) · f6d6e7f8
    kontrollanten authored
    * WIP: resumable video uploads
    relates to #324
    * fix review comments
    * video upload: error handling
    * fix audio upload
    * fixes after self review
    * Update server/controllers/api/videos/index.ts
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRigel Kent <>
    * Update server/middlewares/validators/videos/videos.ts
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRigel Kent <>
    * Update server/controllers/api/videos/index.ts
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRigel Kent <>
    * update after code review
    * refactor upload route
    - restore multipart upload route
    - move resumable to dedicated upload-resumable route
    - move checks to middleware
    - do not leak internal fs structure in response
    * fix yarn.lock upon rebase
    * factorize addVideo for reuse in both endpoints
    * add resumable upload API to openapi spec
    * add initial test and test helper for resumable upload
    * typings for videoAddResumable middleware
    * avoid including aws and google packages via node-uploadx, by only including uploadx/core
    * rename ex-isAudioBg to more explicit name mentioning it is a preview file for audio
    * add video-upload-tmp-folder-cleaner job
    * stronger typing of video upload middleware
    * reduce dependency to @uploadx/core
    * add audio upload test
    * refactor resumable uploads cleanup from job to scheduler
    * refactor resumable uploads scheduler to compare to last execution time
    * make resumable upload validator to always cleanup on failure
    * move legacy upload request building outside of uploadVideo test helper
    * filter upload-resumable middlewares down to POST, PUT, DELETE
    also begin to type metadata
    * merge add duration functions
    * stronger typings and documentation for uploadx behaviour, move init validator up
    * refactor(client/video-edit): options > uploadxOptions
    * refactor(client/video-edit): remove obsolete else
    * scheduler/remove-dangling-resum: rename tag
    * refactor(server/video): add UploadVideoFiles type
    * refactor(mw/validators): restructure eslint disable
    * refactor(mw/validators/videos): rename import
    * refactor(client/vid-upload): rename html elem id
    * refactor(sched/remove-dangl): move fn to method
    * refactor(mw/async): add method typing
    * refactor(mw/vali/video): double quote > single
    * refactor(server/upload-resum): express use > all
    * proper http methud enum server/middlewares/async.ts
    * properly type http methods
    * factorize common video upload validation steps
    * add check for maximum partially uploaded file size
    * fix audioBg use
    * fix extname(filename) in addVideo
    * document parameters for uploadx's resumable protocol
    * clear META files in scheduler
    * last audio refactor before cramming preview in the initial POST form data
    * refactor as mulitpart/form-data initial post request
    this allows preview/thumbnail uploads alongside the initial request,
    and cleans up the upload form
    * Add more tests for resumable uploads
    * Refactor remove dangling resumable uploads
    * Prepare changelog
    * Add more resumable upload tests
    * Remove user quota check for resumable uploads
    * Fix upload error handler
    * Update nginx template for upload-resumable
    * Cleanup comment
    * Remove unused express methods
    * Prefer to use got instead of raw http
    * Don't retry on error 500
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRigel Kent <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRigel Kent <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarChocobozzz <>
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