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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 3.2.0-beta.2 protected
    Fixes a CI issue that prevented 3.2.0-beta.2 being released.
    * **front:** fix behavior of local toggle for profiles & groups view depending on domain value ([84f62cd](
  • 3.2.0-beta.3 protected
    * **i18n:** add missing translations ([af670f3](
    * Add option to link an external registration provider for events ([2de6937](
    * **back:** add admin setting to disable external event feature ([f6611e8](
    * improve group creation view [3f601748](
  • 3.2.0-beta.4 protected
    * **back:** allow any other type of actor to be suspended ([92b222b](
    * **back:** only try to insert activities for groups ([cfc9843](
    * **front:** don't return promise if result is not finished loading for tags ([8c14ba4](
    * **front:** fix getting result from interactable object in InteractView ([31b2d06](
  • 3.2.0-beta.5 protected
    * **docker:** make Docker entrypoint port configurable via $MOBILIZON_DATABASE_PORT ([13099e0](
    * **front:** fix fetching and rendering profile mentions and fetching tags ([895378a](
    * **sitemap:** save generated sitemaps in configurable directory ([f28109a](, closes [#1321](
  • 4.0.0 protected Release: 4.0.0
    - We now produce packages for different distributions targets (Debian Bookworm, Debian Bullseye, Ubuntu Jammy, Ubuntu Focal, Ubuntu Bionic, Fedora 38 and Fedora 39). Be sure to pick the right one for your system, as there can be issues with OpenSSL versions differing from inside the Mobilizon package and on your system.
    - The `` URL now links to the latest package builded against Debian Bookworm. Make sure to follow the documentation if you're not using this.
    - There's also an `arm64` package build on Debian Bullseye for now.
      - Elixir 15 is now required
      - The content of the `js` directory is now at the root of the repository, so you don't need to `cd js` anymore
      - No need for `yarn` anymore, simply use `npm` instead for `npm i` and `npm run build`
    - Event organizers and groups can be contacted through private messages (including PMs from 3rd-party micro-blogging fediverse services)
    - Event organizers can send private announcements to event participants (approved or not)
    - Anonymous participation e-mails now contain links to cancel your participation
    - ActivityPub improvements for compatibility with
    - ICS export fixes for descriptions and adding event status
    * refactor: to lower cyclomatic complexity ([147096c](
    * fix(activitypub): compact ical:status in activitystream data ([5e8f9af](, closes [#1378](
    * fix(activitypub): fix receiving comments ([f1084c1](
    * fix(backend): handle ecto errors when fetching and create entities ([89d1ee4](
    * fix(front): fix tag loading ([f81472e](
    * fix(front): make recipient field placeholder translatable ([10ce812](
    * fix(front): only show participants & announcements menu items to organizers ([c4d2ec6](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([a26ff98](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([1683f01](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([aa7f870](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([1ce34ea](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([5e7edc0](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([d777d88](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([0118d97](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([805e931](
  • 4.0.0-beta.1 protected
    * fix: add a final fallback if we have default_language: nil in instance config ([cd53062](
    * fix: build pictures at correct location and fix Plug.Static ([3c288c5](
    * fix: don't show passed/finished events in related events section ([69e4a5c](
    * fix: fix Dockerfile copying assets path ([16cd377](
    * fix: normalize suggested username ([4960387](
    * fix: set correct watcher config for E2E tests ([f47889b](
    * fix: various fixes ([b635937](
    * fix(announcements): load group announcements ([7ef85fe](
    * fix(api): allow localhost as a valid uri host for applications ([49b070d](
    * fix(api): fix allowing posting event private announcement ([1831495](
    * fix(docker): add sitemap folder ([bd38449](
    * fix(docker): allow to configure SMTP TLS ([2ecdf05](
    * fix(docker): convert smtp tls sni to char list ([b3be7c6](
    * fix(export): fix iCalendar export description HTML conversion ([d7daafc](, closes [#888](
    * fix(front): hide all categories card if we don't have even one ([5e86ef1](
    * fix(histoire): fix URL to Framapiaf avatars ([0613f7f](
    * fix(i18n): fix typos in translation sources ([2ecd55d](
    * fix(i18n): update spanish translations ([cfebc35](
    * add simplified Chinese mapping ([02af9a4](
    * Added translation using Weblate (Korean) ([a11fab6](
    * Added translation using Weblate (Korean) ([c529a83](
    * Added translation using Weblate (Tatar) ([cefdaf8](
    * Fix docker development: ([9705978](
    * fix fullAddressAutocomplete component not loading results ([83da88c](
    * Fix typo in ctl help text ([495d163](
    * Fix typos ([66e89b9](
    * introduce VITE_HOST env var and pass it to the node watcher vite --host ([bfb7e3c](
    * remove unnecessary function ([8a1b122](
    * resolve result promise in a shorter way ([f81804d](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([e510e09](
    * Translated using Weblate (Czech) ([d702ca2](
    * Translated using Weblate (Czech) ([9224f89](
    * Translated using Weblate (Czech) ([c14dffb](
    * Translated using Weblate (Czech) ([a7d70d5](
    * Translated using Weblate (French) ([c7ba003](
    * Translated using Weblate (German) ([7732f87](
    * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) ([d065193](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([b5e9f62](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([e8e1a62](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([84fc175](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([5b64388](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([5e3dedb](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([afe4dd2](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([fa0ae83](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([181a5a7](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([827caa3](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([d08d350](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([e9d38c2](
    * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ([a4578f3](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([d62c31e](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([a8ea217](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([42537af](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([fb0a74e](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([2458076](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([46ffc8c](
    * Translated using Weblate (Polish) ([f0d7807](
    * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) ([9f78c73](
    * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) ([802ab78](
    * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) ([ee5ee8d](
    * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) ([66c49e4](
    * Translated using Weblate (Tatar) ([ba5f8f8](
    * Update translation files ([9aa9cd2](
    * WIP ([b5672ce](
    * build: downgrade Sentry since it doesn't want to compile ([b2bacbf](
    * build: only run ecto create & migrate & tz_world update on prepare_test task, not main test one ([8d11073](
    * build: replace @pluralsh/socket with @framasoft/socket ([435bd9d](
    * build: replace @vueuse/head with @unhead/vue ([5602164](
    * build: switch from yarn to npm to manage js dependencies and move js contents to root ([2e72f6f](
    * build(deps): replace absinthe socket library with fork ([ec397aa](
    * build(docker): optimize image size ([f34099d](, closes [#1012](
    * ci: bump node version in CI ([3205512](
    * ci: fix handling pages deploy with existing public folder ([1228ec1](
    * ci: install python3 instead of python ([5d65981](
    * ci: Release on multiple distributions & fix Docker multiple-step build ([262d1fc](
    * test: fix ActivityPub headers test ([f248660](
    * test: fix front-end tests ([105d3b5](
    * test: fix histoire configuration ([bfbc299](
    * test: fix tests ([c731f0f](
    * test: fix unit backend tests ([e051df1](
    * chore: fix prettier configuration and run it ([c255cea](
    * chore: update Sobelow security ignores ([1d0398d](
    * chore: upgrade deps ([99c80c6](
    * chore(deps): update geo_postgis to 3.5.0 for Elixir 1.15 compat ([3936eb4](
    * chore(deps): upgrade dependencies ([3d9beaa](
    * chore(i18n): add missing translation key ([6ecfa48](
    * chore(i18n): update gettext dependency and regenerate translation files ([d7ad934](
    * chore(i18n): update translation templates ([70e9ce0](
    * refactor: use dedicated email for event announcements ([b97f1c9](
    * docs( keep some info about structure ([d130b15](
    * feat(export): add event status in iCalendar exports ([7a1bfca](
    * feat(federation): expose public activities as announcements in relay outbx & rfrsh profile aftr fllw ([85e4715](
  • 4.0.0-beta.2 protected
    0d318727 · Release 4.0.0-beta.2 ·
    * test: fix tests using verified routes ([5fcf3d5](
    * feat: add links to cancel anonymous participations in emails ([9e6b232](
    * feat(background): add a job to refresh participant stats ([11e42d6](
    * feat(front): add dedicated page and route for event announcements ([d831dff](
    * chore(i18n): update backend translations ([6df16ef](
    * fix: fix creating participant stats ([3f2a88f](
    * refactor: use Phoenix verified routes ([b315e1d](
  • 4.0.0-rc.1 protected
    * fix: prevent sending group physical address if it's empty and allow empty text for timezone ([32caebb](, closes [#1357](
    * fix(activitypub): add missing externalParticipationUrl context ([8795576](, closes [#1376](
    * fix(backend): only send suspension notification emails when actor's suspended and not just deleted ([9e41bc1](
    * docs(nginx): improve nginx configuration ([6c992ca](
  • 4.0.1 protected
    5e3d8a86 · chore(release): 4.0.1 ·
    Release: 4.0.1
    This release fixes different security issues reported by the collective. Please make sure to upgrade as soon as possible.
    - Added a CLI task to test if emails configuration works properly
    - Fixes XSS issues in groups descriptions, report contents, messages from anonymous participations and resources descriptions
    - Fixes Docker configuration that prevented the image to launch
    - Added back Debian Buster builds
    * build(packages): add back Debian Buster as it seems people are still using it ([795ef24](
    * build(packages): remove alpine packages as there's no demand for it ([0caaf2b](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([9c88fae](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([623f4ee](
    * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) ([1162dd0](
    * Translated using Weblate (Galician) ([97c53bb](
    * Translated using Weblate (Galician) ([e08b057](
    * Translated using Weblate (Galician) ([ec5e436](
    * Translated using Weblate (Korean) ([1a1ad52](
    * Translated using Weblate (Korean) ([7b4c31d](
    * fix: always consider report content as text ([ffff379](
    * fix: sanitize descriptions from resources ([dc6647f](
    * fix(config): fix setting path for Mobilizon.Service.SiteMap ([7d725bd](
    * fix(docker): fix getting configuration value from env MOBILIZON_SMTP_TLS ([28063bd](, closes [#1381](
    * fix(docker): fix getting default value for MOBILIZON_SMTP_SSL env ([126727b](
    * fix(docker): use separate env for tzdata dir path ([9907f88](
    * fix(emails): use tls_certificate_check to add tls config for mailer ([db38550](
    * fix(front): anonymous participant text is plain text, avoid using v-html ([2c12fbf](
    * fix(front): fix editing group ([935799f](
    * fix(front): fix XSS because of bad operations when setting the group's summary ([ded59be](
    * fix(front): put correct value for CONVERSATION_LIST enum value ([94bf2e5](
    * fix(graphql): set default value for resource type parameter ([09f4132](
    * feat(cli): add command to test emails send correctly ([7210f86](
    * feat(docker): allow to configure loglevel at runtime through env variable ([4855af8](
    * test: add new tests for XSS in actors summary ([58e50e3](
    * style: linting front-end ([41227d9](
    * refactor(activitypub): handle failure finding public key in actor keys ([5b337f9](
  • 4.0.2 protected
    987c5b59 · chore(release): 4.0.2 ·
    Release: 4.0.2
    This release fixes different security issues reported by the collective. Please make sure to upgrade as soon as possible.
    - Fixes XSS issues in notifier and participant and event contacts list formatting
    * fix(front-end): add more security fixes for formatted lists and notifier ([1af8e37](
  • 4.1.0 protected Release: 4.1.0
    This release is the last provided by Framasoft. [The project is now supported by the Kaihuri association](
    The highlights for this release are the following:
     - improved event federation with and, as well as adding event metadata in summary for micro-blogging platforms that make use of it like Mastodon
     - allowing to filter events by local-only, so that you can find only the events created on this instance
    * **activitpub:** add summary of metadata to events ([1441d35](
    * **activitypub:** allow simple text for address field ([64237cf](, closes [#1387](
    * **activitypub:** implement FEP-2677 to identify the application actor used for federation ([f10977a](, closes [#1367](
    * allow to filter events by local-only ([9d99684](, closes [#1322](
    * **config:** enable instance feeds by default ([ab3f5df](
    * **docker:** add new environment variables for Docker config ([28430d6](
    * **front:** upgrade to Oruga 0.8.x ([a9676d6](
    * **graphql:** increase max_complexity to 300 ([dcbb8ea](
    * **http:** allow to provide self-signed certificates ([baa11c1](, closes [#1355](
    * **nodeinfo:** extract and save NodeInfo information from instances to display it on instances list ([99b2339](, closes [#1392](
    * **activitypub:** also handle as:Public and Public values for public addressing ([4dc2f48](, closes [#1413](
    * **activitypub:** consider PM as private conversations even if attributed_to_id is defined ([387d3b1](
    * **activitypub:** do not try to calculate timezone from missing geo-coordinates ([001a0ed](
    * **activitypub:** handle actors following with manually_approves_followers not set ([7351468](
    * **activitypub:** handle any type of error when fetching Application actor from NodeInfo ([9308c53](
    * **activitypub:** handle issue with AP Fetcher not catching some changeset errors ([e3b3643](, closes [#1409](
    * **activitypub:** make relay outbox events ordered by desc publication date ([e73fd9b](
    * **activitypub:** refresh NodeInfo metadata straight away when adding a new instance to follow ([2f4b8fe](
    * allow html_to_text to receive nil, e.g. for empty event descriptions ([5030b75](
    * **announcements:** error message not showing when an event announcement is created with empty text ([ef20585](
    * **announcements:** make sure only valid announcements are shown to the user ([c9a1c35](
    * **backend:** avoid duplicating locality and region if they are the same ([5de22f9](
    * **backend:** fix sending N notifications to a single conversation participant ([9537988](, closes [#1384](
    * **backend:** hide non-public replies to comments in event comment threads ([10c4038](
    * **backend:** only send announcement event emails when the comment author has the right to do so ([0bd00de](
    * **backend:** validate length of instance actor details and set description column to text ([f7585cf](, closes [#1393](
    * **back:** fix instances filtering ([b3ba45e](
    * **back:** sitemapper fix after upgrade ([1acf931](
    * **docker:** add --break-system-packages to pip install to add weasyprint and pyexcel-ods3 ([889cb91](
    * **docker:** remove openssl1.1-compat ([75d7816](, closes [#1390](
    * **event announcements:** only show comments from event organizers in event announcement list ([01eecbf](
    * **feeds:** increase feed item limit from 500 to 5000 ([ff0440c](
    * **feeds:** make sure posts for feeds are ordered by publication date desc ([3c75856](
    * **front-end:** fix current actor not being set on first access when relogging ([ae466b8](
    * **front-end:** fix issues with expired accessToken refreshment queue ([d4489f6](
    * **front:** add a required attribute to the text editor and show error message if text empty on blur ([ba66874](
    * **front:** add announcements link on EventParticipationCard as well as EventView ([83eb5c6](
    * **front:** add condition on DraggableList in ResourceFolder.vue ([a408b47](
    * **front:** correctly show error message when a tag is too short ([cba2075](, closes [#1382](
    * **front:** create head without old options ([45f8757](
    * **frontend:** various fixes ([456dc36](
    * **front:** escape event.title when it's passed to dialog component HTML message ([f4ee116](
    * **front:** fix debouncing instances filtering ([fe0cf93](
    * **front:** fix dialog from EventParticipationCard.vue without input ([89641c5](
    * **front:** fix ErrorComponent.vue sentry integration ([00d8bc7](
    * **front:** fix focus when creating a new resource ([76668e0](
    * **front:** fix focusing text editor ([3b7124a](
    * **front:** fix reporting group ([57d0372](
    * **front:** fix TagInput display ([790db90](
    * **front:** fix TagInput width properly ([6a4123f](
    * **front:** husky fixes after upgrade ([04edc4f](
    * **front:** improve display of SendPasswordReset view ([1d39eb5](
    * **front:** only update identity username from name if it's a new identity ([34c0dd6](
    * **front:** patch vue-i18n-extract because of mjs incompatibility ([1f4a7c2](
    * **front:** remove broken identity check in EventMinimalistCard ([ee63814](
    * **front:** reset instances list to page 1 if filter or follow status changes ([2b5439b](
    * **front:** reset page to lower or page 1 if we didn't found results in instances view ([48f57ec](
    * **front:** rollback to vue 3.3 for now ([5cb4fc1](
    * **front:** show correct label when adding a new calc or videoconference resource in resources ([cecbea6](
    * **front:** tagInput fixes ([f6bcb02](
    * **front:** uI fixes ([0948cce](
    * **front:** use functions to generate classnames dynamically ([98230a5](
    * **front:** various cleanups ([6a482b0](
    * **front:** various little CSS fixes ([51d43aa](
    * **front:** various UI improvements ([a6a1ab7](
    * **front:** vite fixes after upgrade (everything is esm) ([b1ecf4b](
    * **graphql:** add missing operation name for RegisterPerson ([a47f4f6](
    * **graphql:** fix checking actor identity when publishing event announcements ([5bc0593](
    * **nodeinfo:** fix getting application actor information from NodeInfo response ([dd775b6](
    * **nodeinfo:** make sure we only process JSON content ([da3b074](
    * **front:** fix adding tags to an event ([d75d464](, closes [#1419](
    * **front:** fix space around input icons ([ba9299c](
    * **backend:** set Gettext default locale to "en" ([d390a91](
    * **front:** fix discussion comment changed subscription done before having slug value ([0670297](
    * **front:** fix typing for canReport prop on DiscussionComment ([c2055d9](
    * **front:** remove extra classes on comment that are not needed ([a9b9775](
  • 4.1.0-alpha.1 protected
    831a2deb · Release 4.1.0-alpha.1 ·
    * **activitpub:** add summary of metadata to events ([1441d35](
    * **activitypub:** allow simple text for address field ([64237cf](, closes [#1387](
    * **activitypub:** implement FEP-2677 to identify the application actor used for federation ([f10977a](, closes [#1367](
    * allow to filter events by local-only ([9d99684](, closes [#1322](
    * **config:** enable instance feeds by default ([ab3f5df](
    * **docker:** add new environment variables for Docker config ([28430d6](
    * **front:** upgrade to Oruga 0.8.x ([a9676d6](
    * **graphql:** increase max_complexity to 300 ([dcbb8ea](
    * **http:** allow to provide self-signed certificates ([baa11c1](, closes [#1355](
    * **nodeinfo:** extract and save NodeInfo information from instances to display it on instances list ([99b2339](, closes [#1392](
    * **activitypub:** also handle as:Public and Public values for public addressing ([4dc2f48](, closes [#1413](
    * **activitypub:** consider PM as private conversations even if attributed_to_id is defined ([387d3b1](
    * **activitypub:** do not try to calculate timezone from missing geo-coordinates ([001a0ed](
    * **activitypub:** handle actors following with manually_approves_followers not set ([7351468](
    * **activitypub:** handle any type of error when fetching Application actor from NodeInfo ([9308c53](
    * **activitypub:** handle issue with AP Fetcher not catching some changeset errors ([e3b3643](, closes [#1409](
    * **activitypub:** make relay outbox events ordered by desc publication date ([e73fd9b](
    * **activitypub:** refresh NodeInfo metadata straight away when adding a new instance to follow ([2f4b8fe](
    * allow html_to_text to receive nil, e.g. for empty event descriptions ([5030b75](
    * **announcements:** error message not showing when an event announcement is created with empty text ([ef20585](
    * **announcements:** make sure only valid announcements are shown to the user ([c9a1c35](
    * **backend:** avoid duplicating locality and region if they are the same ([5de22f9](
    * **backend:** fix sending N notifications to a single conversation participant ([9537988](, closes [#1384](
    * **backend:** hide non-public replies to comments in event comment threads ([10c4038](
    * **backend:** only send announcement event emails when the comment author has the right to do so ([0bd00de](
    * **backend:** validate length of instance actor details and set description column to text ([f7585cf](, closes [#1393](
    * **back:** fix instances filtering ([b3ba45e](
    * **back:** sitemapper fix after upgrade ([1acf931](
    * **docker:** add --break-system-packages to pip install to add weasyprint and pyexcel-ods3 ([889cb91](
    * **docker:** remove openssl1.1-compat ([75d7816](, closes [#1390](
    * **event announcements:** only show comments from event organizers in event announcement list ([01eecbf](
    * **feeds:** increase feed item limit from 500 to 5000 ([ff0440c](
    * **feeds:** make sure posts for feeds are ordered by publication date desc ([3c75856](
    * **front-end:** fix current actor not being set on first access when relogging ([ae466b8](
    * **front-end:** fix issues with expired accessToken refreshment queue ([d4489f6](
    * **front:** add a required attribute to the text editor and show error message if text empty on blur ([ba66874](
    * **front:** add announcements link on EventParticipationCard as well as EventView ([83eb5c6](
    * **front:** add condition on DraggableList in ResourceFolder.vue ([a408b47](
    * **front:** correctly show error message when a tag is too short ([cba2075](, closes [#1382](
    * **front:** create head without old options ([45f8757](
    * **frontend:** various fixes ([456dc36](
    * **front:** escape event.title when it's passed to dialog component HTML message ([f4ee116](
    * **front:** fix debouncing instances filtering ([fe0cf93](
    * **front:** fix dialog from EventParticipationCard.vue without input ([89641c5](
    * **front:** fix ErrorComponent.vue sentry integration ([00d8bc7](
    * **front:** fix focus when creating a new resource ([76668e0](
    * **front:** fix focusing text editor ([3b7124a](
    * **front:** fix reporting group ([57d0372](
    * **front:** fix TagInput display ([790db90](
    * **front:** fix TagInput width properly ([6a4123f](
    * **front:** husky fixes after upgrade ([04edc4f](
    * **front:** improve display of SendPasswordReset view ([1d39eb5](
    * **front:** only update identity username from name if it's a new identity ([34c0dd6](
    * **front:** patch vue-i18n-extract because of mjs incompatibility ([1f4a7c2](
    * **front:** remove broken identity check in EventMinimalistCard ([ee63814](
    * **front:** reset instances list to page 1 if filter or follow status changes ([2b5439b](
    * **front:** reset page to lower or page 1 if we didn't found results in instances view ([48f57ec](
    * **front:** rollback to vue 3.3 for now ([5cb4fc1](
    * **front:** show correct label when adding a new calc or videoconference resource in resources ([cecbea6](
    * **front:** tagInput fixes ([f6bcb02](
    * **front:** uI fixes ([0948cce](
    * **front:** use functions to generate classnames dynamically ([98230a5](
    * **front:** various cleanups ([6a482b0](
    * **front:** various little CSS fixes ([51d43aa](
    * **front:** various UI improvements ([a6a1ab7](
    * **front:** vite fixes after upgrade (everything is esm) ([b1ecf4b](
    * **graphql:** add missing operation name for RegisterPerson ([a47f4f6](
    * **graphql:** fix checking actor identity when publishing event announcements ([5bc0593](
    * **nodeinfo:** fix getting application actor information from NodeInfo response ([dd775b6](
    * **nodeinfo:** make sure we only process JSON content ([da3b074](
  • 4.1.0-beta.1 protected
    * **front:** fix adding tags to an event ([d75d464](, closes [#1419](
    * **front:** fix space around input icons ([ba9299c](
  • 5.0.0-beta.1 protected
    version 5.0.0beta 1
    Upgrade from version 4.1.0, plus:
    * #603 "Join Mobilizon, a Mobilizon instance" : confusing description for most people
    * #642 Link to "list of the groups" in the home page
    * #730 Event on multiple days should display both start and end date
    * #755 Feature : Add weekday and start time next to calendar day to make it stand out
    * #1112 Prominently display ongoing events in the UI
    * #1334 Add a calendar view
    * #1394 Long events, recurring events --> activities
    * #1395 Allow URL link to image in event creation API
    * #1397 Enable instance personalization (logo, webapp name, title)
    * #1400 Home page: show upcoming events
    * #1402 Remove distractive contents
    * #1403 Option to hide the number of participants / hide "nobody's going"
    * #1414 combine geocoders
    * #1359 Remove "These events may interest you" section