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- **Notifications for various group and event activity, both by email and browser push notifications. Daily and weekly digests are also available.**
- Possibility for an event organizer to announce a (public) comment, triggering notifications for participants
- Add a snackbar message to manually reload the UI when updates are available
- Add blurhash support for some banners
- Added basic metadata (start time & physical address) in the opengraph preview

- **Interface improvements to events, comments, homepage and group pages**
- **Various improvements to mobile views**
- Make JWT access tokens short-lived
- Disabled Cldr warning that the `Cldr.Plug.AcceptLanguage` plug didn't many any known locale
- Replaced GraphiQL web interface with graphql-playground

- Internet Explorer and other older browsers support. This allows us to provide lighter builds.

- Fixed compatibility for previous OTP versions
- Fixed the "member joined" activity event not being displayed in the group activity timeline
- Fixed relay and anonymous actor telling they automatically approve followers
- Fixed mix tasks showing output from all error levels
- Fixed missing metadata on some pages
- Fixed some config values being defined at compile-time instead of runtime
- Fixed missing pagination for group resources
- Fixed missing `.ics` suffix for email event attachments
- Fixed missing unique index on posts URL
- Fixed creating events from group page not always auto-selecting the correct organizer actor
- Fixed error when deleting actor with type different from Person or Group
- Fixed not defaulting to UTC timezone when user has no tz setting in their activity recaps
- Fixed Sentry loading itself even if not configured
- Fixed showing proper message when anonymous participation was confirmed but just wasn't saved in browser
- Fixed editing some event properties
- Fixed group image ratio in admin dashboard
- Fix GraphiQL CSP headers

- Finnish
- French
- Galician
- Italian
- Occitan
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish