"message": "Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\DriverException: \"An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: function lower(integer) does not exist\nLINE 1: ...CT DISTINCT u0_.id AS id_0 FROM \"users\" u0_ WHERE LOWER(u0_....\n ^\nHINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.\" at ExceptionConverter.php line 87",
"context": {
"exception": {
"class": "Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\DriverException",
"message": "An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: function lower(integer) does not exist\nLINE 1: ...CT DISTINCT u0_.id AS id_0 FROM \"users\" u0_ WHERE LOWER(u0_....\n ^\nHINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.",
"code": 7,
"file": "/var/www/anicetus/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/API/PostgreSQL/ExceptionConverter.php:87",
"previous": {
"class": "Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception",
"message": "SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: function lower(integer) does not exist\nLINE 1: ...CT DISTINCT u0_.id AS id_0 FROM \"users\" u0_ WHERE LOWER(u0_....\n ^\nHINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.",
"code": 7,
"file": "/var/www/anicetus/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Exception.php:28",
"previous": {
"class": "PDOException",
"message": "SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: function lower(integer) does not exist\nLINE 1: ...CT DISTINCT u0_.id AS id_0 FROM \"users\" u0_ WHERE LOWER(u0_....\n ^\nHINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.",
"code": 42883,
"file": "/var/www/anicetus/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Statement.php:130"
"level": 500,
"level_name": "CRITICAL",
"channel": "request",
"datetime": "2024-04-29T08:50:59.080180+00:00",
"extra": {}