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* Added devtool build `--ssh-keys` flag to support fetching from private
  git repositories.
* Added option to configure block device flush.
* Added `--new-pid-ns` flag to the Jailer in order to spawn the Firecracker
  process in a new PID namespace.
* Added API metrics for `GET`, `PUT` and `PATCH` requests on `/mmds` endpoint.
* Added `--describe-snapshot` flag to Firecracker to fetch the data format
  version of a snapshot state file provided as argument.
* Added `--no-seccomp` parameter for disabling the default seccomp filters.
* Added `--seccomp-filter` parameter for supplying user-provided, custom filters.
* Added the `seccompiler-bin` binary that is used to compile JSON seccomp filters
  into serialized BPF for Firecracker consumption.
* Snapshotting support for GICv2 enabled guests.
* Added `devtool install` to deploy built binaries in `/usr/local/bin` or a
  given path.
* Added code logic to send `VIRTIO_VSOCK_EVENT_TRANSPORT_RESET` on snapshot
  creation, when the Vsock device is active. The event will close active
  connections on the guest.
* Added `GET` request on `/vm/config` that provides full microVM configuration
  as a JSON HTTP response.
* Added `--resource-limit` flag to jailer to limit resources such as: number of
  file descriptors allowed at a time (with a default value of 2048) and maximum
  size of files created by the process.


* Changed Docker images repository from DockerHub to Amazon ECR.
* Fixed off-by-one error in virtio-block descriptor address validation.
* Changed the `PATCH` request on `/balloon/statistics` to schedule the first
  statistics update immediately after processing the request.
* Deprecated the `--seccomp-level parameter`. It will be removed  in a future
  release. Using it logs a runtime warning.
* Experimental gnu libc builds use empty default seccomp filters, allowing all
  system calls.


* Fixed non-compliant check for the RTC device ensuring a fixed
  4-sized data buffer.
* Unnecessary interrupt assertion was removed from the RTC.
  However, a dummy interrupt is still allocated for snapshot
  compatibility reasons.
* Fixed the SIGPIPE signal handler so Firecracker no longer exits. The signal
  is still recorded in metrics and logs.
* Fixed ballooning API definitions by renaming all fields which mentioned "MB"
  to use "MiB" instead.
* Snapshot related host files (vm-state, memory, block backing files) are now
  flushed to their backing mediums as part of the CreateSnapshot operation.
* Fixed the SSBD mitigation not being enabled on `aarch64` with the provided
* Fixed the balloon statistics not working after a snapshot restore event.
* The `utc_timestamp_ms` now reports the timestamp in ms from the UTC UNIX
  Epoch, as the name suggests. It was previously using a monotonic clock with
  an undefined starting point.