Projects with this topic
Projet associé au projet miniDart ( ffmpg + SDL2 : lecture et affichage d'une vidéo, OpenGL (texture2D ou GLSL), et OpenCV : affichage final des frames (cv::Mat)
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MorphOS port of libfresample as a native shared library
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MorphOS port of libsamplerate as a native shared library
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Scriptable AUdio GeNeration System. SAU parser, player, and WAV file writer.
This repository is generally used like a mirror, but work can also be done here first.
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Portable User Interface for Music. A set of C++ classes designed to extend IUP - Portable User Interface - for musical purposes.
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Extra SAU scripts collection. Makefile for bulk-rendering to MP3 files. Currently, mainly various quick test scripts kept here instead of thrown away.
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Fast opensource video editing software powered by pytorch (gpu), ffmpeg (codecs) and qtpy (gui).