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* [Français](fr/)
* [English](/en/)
# Rapport d'autoévaluation à mi-parcours du Plan d'action pour la France 2015-2017 "Pour une action publique transparente et collaborative"
Ce projet est une première version au format GitBook du rapport d'autoévaluation à mi-parcours du [Plan d'action national pour la France 2015-2017](,
élaboré dans le cadre du [Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert (OGP)]( Il présente, engagement par engagement, l'avancement des actions prises par les ministères en matière
Ce projet est une première version au format GitBook du rapport d'autoévaluation à mi-parcours du [Plan d'action national pour la France 2015-2017](,
élaboré dans le cadre du [Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert (OGP)]( Il présente, engagement par engagement, l'avancement des actions prises par les ministères en matière
de gouvernement ouvert.
Ce livre en ligne est ouvert à contribution citoyenne (forum intégré) : chacun peut ainsi proposer des modifications, suggérer de nouveaux exemples de réussites et solliciter de nouveaux types de collaborations
entre la société civile et l'administration. Une version enrichie sera proposée en juillet 2016 sur la base des contributions. Cette espace restera ouvert jusqu'en juillet 2017, date à laquelle la France remettra
second rapport d'autoévaluation.
La version PDF de ce livre généré peut être [lue en ligne](
La version PDF de ce livre généré peut être [lue en ligne](documentation/suivi-plan-ogp-2015-2017_fr.pdf).
Le code source de ce livre numérique est disponible dans le dépôt suivant : [FramaGit](
Pour toute question ou suggestion : <>
Pour toute question ou suggestion : <>
# Table of content
* [First Chapter](
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# 1. Introduction and background
## **France National Action Plan**
[France National Action Plan 2015-2017 “For a transparent and collaborative government](“, published on 16 July 2015 contains 26 commitments structured around 4 priority areas:
* Ensure accountability
* Consult, debate and co-create public policy
* Share digital resources useful for economic and social innovation
* Open up public administration and government services
The last part of the action plan contains 3 commitments applying open government principles to climate action and sustainable development. They were implemented in the context of [COP21](, held in Paris in December2015.
## **National Assembly Action Plan**
Concurrently, and in accordance with the constitutional principle of the separation of powers, the National Assembly has joined in the open government initiative by publishing its own action plan “[Towards a twenty-first century National Assembly](”. Its assessment is also an independent process.
### **The National Action Plan’s 26 commitments fully reflect the four key principles of open government:**
* First there must be more **transparency **at every level of government action and economic life. Major examples of this are the data relating to local government financial activity \([commitment 1\)](/en/commitment, international development aid \([commitment 3](/en/commitment\), public officials assets \([commitment 6](/en/commitment\), climate and sustainable development \([commitment 25](/en/commitment\).
* Government decision-making must be opened up to **civic participation** by joint preparation of legislation and civil society’s involvement in public life \(commitments [10](/en/commitment, [11](/en/commitment, [12](/en/commitment, [13](/en/commitment, [19](/en/commitment, [24](/en/commitment, [26](/en/commitment\), inviting public assessments of government policies \([commitment 4](/en/commitment\), open justice and better understanding on how institutions work \(commitments [14](/en/commitment and [5](/en/commitment\). Government services should refresh and open up to more diverse backgrounds and new practices \(commitments [20](/en/commitment, [21](/en/commitment, [22](/en/commitment, [23](/en/commitment\).
* France must play the greatest possible role in international initiatives linked to public procurement transparency \([commitment 2](/en/commitment\), beneficial owners of companies \([commitment 7](/en/commiment\), payments and revenues from the extractive industries \([commitment 8](/en/commitment\), trade negotiations \([commitment 9](/en/commitment, [commitment 16](/en/commitment\) – all contributing to achieve **greater accountability of government action**.
* **Digitization **and **innovation** are at the heart of the open government initiative, thanks to a strong open data policy \([commitment 15](/en/commitment\), and amplified actions on government digital resources sharing, which transforms the way we conceive public services \(commitments [17](/en/commitment and [18](/en/commitment\).
### **This mid-term self-assessment report marks the first year of France National Action Plan implementation:**
It details the method of [drawing up, implementing and monitoring the plan](/en/, and [sets out the progress achieved to date](/en/ in implementing the commitments, as well as [actions taken in order to share France’s experience and resources](/en/ with other countries. It finally sets [the next steps](/en/
It will be continuously expanded until July 2017 when France is due to submit a final self-assessment report and its second action plan.
A“[Contribute](/en/” section is included where you can make suggestions on improving the action plan’s method and monitoring tools. As a result of the first consultation period [open from 13 to 30 June 2016](, the initial version of the one-year mid-term report has been expanded.
**Global timetable for France in the Open Government Partnership: action plan implementation and report**
[For more information see France section on the OGP site](
# Mid-term self-assessment report of France’s 2015-2017 National Action Plan “For a transparent and collaborative public action”
This e-book is a digital version of the mid-term self-assessment report of France’s 2015-2017 National Action Plan, prepared under the [Open Government partnership \(OGP\)]( It sets out commitment by commitment, the progress of ministerial action on open government.
This e-book is open to public contributions \(integrated forum\): anyone may propose modifications, suggest other examples of successes and request new types of collaboration between civil society and the government. The forum will remain open until July 2017, when France submits a final self-assessment report.
The PDF version of this e-book is also available:
* [Initial version, published in June 2016, before consultation]( \(in French\)
* [Updated version, published in July 2016, after the consultation process]( \(in French\)
The source code for this digital book is also available on the following link: [FramaGit](
For any question or suggestion: [](
# Mid-term self-assessment report of France’s 2015-2017 National Action Plan “For a transparent and collaborative public action”
* [About this ebook](/en/
* [Introduction](/en/
* [Process of developing and implementing the Nation Action Plan](/en/
* [Consultation on drafting the National Action Plan](/en/
* [Consultation during the National Action Plan's implementation](/en/
* [Consultation on the self-assessment report](/en/
* [Recommendations of the Independent Reporting Mechanism](/en/
* [Implementation of the National Action Plan commitment](/en/
* [Summary table](/en/
* [Results obtained for each commitment](/en/
* [Commitment 1](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 2](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 3](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 4](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 5](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 6](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 7](/en/commiment
* [Commitment 8](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 9](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 10](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 11](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 12](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 13](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 14](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 15](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 16](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 17](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 18](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 19](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 20](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 21](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 22](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 23](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 24](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 25](/en/commitment
* [Commitment 26](/en/commitment
* [Peer exchange and learning](/en/
* [Conclusion: lessons learned and next steps](/en/
* [Contribute](/en/
* [Annexes](/en/
* [Ministries and government departments involved in the 2015-2017 National Action Plan](/en/
* [Organizations involved in the elaboration of the 2015-2017 National Action Plan](/en/organizations-list)
* [Organize an “Open Ministry” event on your commitments!](/en/
# Ministries and government departments involved in the 2015-2017 National Action Plan
* Prime Minister
* Ministry of State for State Reform and Simplification
* Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information
* National Agency for IT System Security
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
* Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs
* Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research
* Ministry of Justice
* Ministry of Town and Country Planning, Rural Affairs and Local Government
* Ministry of the Interior
* Ministry of Finance and Public Accounts
* Ministry of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector
* Ministry of State responsible for the Digital Sector
* Minister of Urban Affairs, Youth and Sport
* Ministry for the Civil Service
### **Other lead institutions**
* Cour des comptes
* High Authority for Transparency in Public Life
# [Annexes](undefined)
* [Lead institutions](/en/
* [Organizations interviewed during the drawing up of the Action Plan](/en/
* [Organize an “Open Ministry” event on your commitments!](/en/

# [Commitment 1: Enable citizens to consult, understand and reuse financial data and local government decisions](undefined)
### **Lead institutions:**
* Ministry of the Interior
* Ministry of Finance and Public Accounts
* Ministry of Town and Country Planning, Rural Affairs and Local Government
* Cour des comptes \(Audit Court\)
* Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs
### **Stakes:**
To better satisfy citizens’ legitimate expectations and in view of the large proportion of public funds spent by local government, their financial transparency should be ensured.
**Description of the commitment:**
* **Publish local government data in open format**
* Enable citizens to have a better understanding of the financial processes within local and regional authorities
* Regularly make financial court data available
* Strengthen local government open data: enshrine in law the requirement for local authorities with over 3,500 inhabitants \(including communes and public inter-municipal cooperation establishments \[EPCIs\]\) to release public data.
* **Publish the decisions and reports of municipal council meetings online**
* Publish in electronic format and provide permanent access free of charge, in addition to a paper version, to local authority collections of administrative acts, deliberations and municipal by-laws
* Post online on the commune’s website, where it exists, municipal council meeting minutes within a week of the meeting and leave them posted for at least six years
* **Publish in open format data relating to building permits: **Establish a working group with stakeholders to work on the progressive release in open format of building permit data by 2017
[For more information](
### Description of Results:
| Actions | Results | Next steps | Status |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Publish in open data the general operating grant \(dotation globale de fonctionnement \[DGF\], the central government financial contribution to regional and local authorities\) | A research tool which makes it possible to extract [data on grants]( is available on the Interior Ministry’s website. The physical and financial criteria used as the basis for calculating the general operation grant are downloadable via [different searches]( on the website of the Local Government Directorate-General \(DGCL\). [This tool has been listed on]( | Put direct links to data sets on | Substantial |
| Publish in open data on all local account balances of local authorities and groups with specific taxation from the 2013 financial year. | [Account balances]( are available from 2013 on | Obtain historical account balances. Update data annually. | Complete |
| Make it compulsory for local executives and EPCI chairmen to present a report to the deliberative assembly \(municipal, department or regional council\) on any action taken in the wake of observations of the chambre régionale des comptes \(CRC\). | This commitment was included in article 107 of the Act on a New Territorial Organization for the Republic, popularly called [loi NOTRe]( \(new article L2143-7 of the Financial Jurisdictions Code\). It contains two types of provisions related to action taken by local authorities in the wake of the CRC’s observation reports and transmission of these reports by EPCI chairmen to member commune mayors. The aim of these provisions is to strengthen the effectiveness and usefulness of CRC monitoring of local government management. They require the executive to communicate on the action taken to follow up CRC observations and recommendations in a report first presented to their deliberative assembly \(within one year\) and then forwarded to the CRC. [A \#DataSession](, held at the Cour des comptes, led to the idea of a tool for monitoring application of the CRC report recommendations \([see “reco-tracker” tool](\). | Monitor the measure’s application \(CRC summaries\). [The timetable for the implementation of the loi NOTRe is available on Légifrance.](v | Substantial |
| Regularly make available financial court financial data: data underpinning discussions of local finances and certain data of financial court activity \(including the updating of the Cour des conptes’ publications list and financial courts’ resources\). | Cour des comptes r[eport data]( on local government finances is available on New data sets were published on 27 May 2016 at a Cour des comptes [\#DataSession]( anonymized judgments of the Cour des comptes and Chambres regionals et territoriales des comptes \(2016\), and reports on these chambers’ final observations \(2013, 2014 and 2015\). See all [Cour des comptes data](/ | Publish data on the activities of the financial courts, including the updating of the Cour des comptes’ publications list and financial courts’ resources. Provide more published historical data sets. | Complete |
| Increase local government open data: enshrine in law the requirement for local authorities with over 3,500 inhabitants \(including communes and EPICs\) to publish information in open format. | Article 4 of the Digital Republic Bill requires local authorities with over 3,500 inhabitants to comply with government agency open data common law \(NB: this article abrogates the provisions initially included in article 106 of the loi NOTRe\). There are several current initiatives to help these local authorities in the transition towards open data, including the [OpenDataFrance]( process jointly commissioned for this purpose by Axelle Lemaire and Estelle Grelier. Etalab is also working on supporting local authority efforts to make their data available: details of possible integrations may be found [here]( | Monitor the adoption of the Digital Republic Bill and the actions carried out with OpenDataFrance. | Substantial |
| Publish in electronic format and provide permanent access free of charge, in addition to a paper version, to local authority collections of administrative acts, deliberations and municipal by-laws. Post online on the commune’s website, when it exists, municipal council meeting minutes within a week after the meeting and leave them posted for at least six years. | The [loi NOTRe \(title IV\)]( establishes this obligation \(articles 124 and 128\). [The implementing decree of article 128 was published in the Journal officiel on 12 February 2016]( | | Substantial |
| Establish a working group going with stakeholders to work on the progressive release in open format of building permit data by 2017. | An anonymization working group was established with Etalab, the Chief Data Officer and the Office of the Commissioner General for Sustainable Development \(Commissariat Général au Développement –CGDD\). A referral to the National Data Protection and Privacy Commission \(Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés – CNIL\) is currently being processed. | Make the working group’s work more transparent. Monitor the CNIL’s advice and working group’s progress. | Partial |