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Redesign the main file of the add-on

Thomas requested to merge create-addon-module into main

New features:

  • Add the description of each video and each instance. The total number of local videos of an instance is also added to the description in Kodi.
  • Add the total number of pages in the "Next page" item (+ fix the number of the current page)
  • Display a notification when the download of the torrent starts (will help the user to know that something is going on, especially on slow machines)
  • Support instance URL that are prefixed with "https://" in the settings

Internal changes:

  • Create a smaller entry point file to match Kodi's best practices (
  • Create a new main module ( containing only the code related to the add-on execution. The other lines of code are moved to the classes PeerTube or KodiUtils.
  • KodiUtils is now a class and an instance of this class is made available to all the modules of the add-on to reuse easily its methods and attributes.
  • Create helper functions in KodiUtils for creating items in Kodi UI easily
Edited by Thomas

Merge request reports