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Fixes issue with migration on updated database.

Alexandre Friquet requested to merge (removed):issue-with-bigint into master

Problème rencontré lors du déploiement sur la préprod :

rake stdout: == 20171013081759 CreatePerformances: migrating ===============================
-- create_table(:performances)
   -> 0.0122s
== 20171013081759 CreatePerformances: migrated (0.0123s) ======================

== 20171016121817 AddActivityReferenceToPerformances: migrating ===============
-- add_reference(:performances, :activity, {:foreign_key=>true})
rake stderr: rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Column `activity_id` on table `performances` has a type of `bigint(20)`.
This does not match column `id` on `activities`, which has type `int(11)`.
To resolve this issue, change the type of the `activity_id` column on `performances` to be :integer. (For example `t.integer activity_id`).

Original message: Mysql2::Error: Can't create table `infopiiaf_cdsa33_preprod`.`#sql-4a2b_e7e46b` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed"): ALTER TABLE `performances` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_b54de92cfd`
FOREIGN KEY (`activity_id`)
  REFERENCES `activities` (`id`)

Merge request reports